Get to Know Maureen Walker, PhD Therapist. Speaker. Author.
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“What to Do When Getting Along Is Not Enough”
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What People Are Saying

Here in a Manger
I know next to nothing about barnyards and stables. In fact, I just learned that a manger is a feeding trough for animals. Other barnyard images that come to my mind involve buzzing flies, odious smells, as well as animal excretions and emissions of various

Oh, Say Can You See… Somebody Done Somebody Wrong…
This recent spate of patriotic holidays has got me thinking about country music. It’s not that I’m an aficionado of that genre by any stretch of the imagination. It’s just that the songs brilliantly capture the anguish of “somebody done somebody wrong”. For me, the

This is US
By Way of Prologue Anyone wanting an easy listening overview of a city’s attractions knows exactly what to do: climb aboard a climate-controlled tour bus. For the price of a ticket and minimal mental effort, you get to sit back, relax, and get an

Who Needs a Magical Reindeer? Or (#deconstruct 2020)
It’s finally fa-la-la-la-la time, and I couldn’t be more ready. Every year as soon as December rolls in (and not a minute sooner), I crank up the holiday music. However, this is 2020, a year in which everything is subject to deconstruction, even the iconic

A “Karen” by Any Other Name . . .
In gratitude and memoriam for Erica Garner, Heather Heyer, Fannie Lou Hamer, Coretta Scott King, Dorothy Parker, Ida B. Wells, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg I know. I can hear the indignant objections now. Somehow in the past two years, what was a “comical” media

Whose Story Is It?
All this talk about history and statues reminded me of my third-grade lessons in Mrs. Bennett’s class. It was there that I learned to recite this little ditty: In fourteen hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue… October 12 their dream came true